Lori's Story
- Author: Lori
- Date Submitted: May 6, 2020

Retired mail carrier Lori was hospitalized for four months before coming to Barlow Respiratory Hospital PIH in Whitter. She noticed the difference in care. “Thank you for the good treatment. I’m happy I found you.”
She thanked our entire Barlow team, especially the nurses and CNAs, and reminded us to “Be sure to keep yourself well. You don’t ever want to have a trach. That’s the most godawful thing!”
Lori has a hearty laugh and is generally upbeat. She admits she was not an easy patient and particularly appreciated the work of the Barlow rehab team. “They are fantastic. They don’t baby you. They get you up and get you going.”
She was discharged to her daughter’s home and adores her granddaughter but is looking forward to returning to her own home. “I’m used to living alone and I can’t wait to go back to my usual routine and visiting my granddaughter two or three times a week. I’m not used to living with a two-year old.”
“It has been quite a journey. Thank you Barlow!”