All licensed in-patient1 facilities would be required to begin masking in all patient care areas once the Los Angeles County CDC COVID-19 Hospital Admission Level reaches medium or higher (see amended LACDPH Health Officer Order No. 2023-04-02). As of 12/29/2023, Los Angeles County has reached the medium level according to the Los Angeles County CDC COVID-19 Hospital Admission Level.
In order to protect patients in healthcare facilities and the healthcare workforce, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health is updating the County’s COVID-19 Response Plan with the following requirements:
Masking in healthcare facilities continues to be strongly recommended for both staff and visitors within healthcare facilities even at low COVID-19 Hospital Admission Level.
Barlow Respiratory Hospital welcomes visitors at our Los Angeles location from 9am to 9pm
Two (2) visitors are allowed at a time in patient rooms.
All visitors must sign in at security desk and attest to being free of active COVID-19
infection and symptoms.
All visitors must mask, wear PPE, and maintain social / physical distance to protect
patient safety.
Thank you for trusting Barlow Respiratory Hospital with your loved one’s care.
We continue to adhere to protocols/precautions suggested by Centers for Disease Control (CDC), California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and Los Angeles Department of Public Health (LADPH) to maintain the safety of our patients and staff. Thank you for your cooperation.
For Barlow Respiratory Hospital Van Nuys and Whittier: