Rasim’s Story
- Author: Rasim’s
- Date Submitted: May 7, 2020

Rasim is now home with home health care. His wife told us how glad she is to have him home, and how much she appreciated the care our Barlow team at our PIH Health Hospital Whittier provided.
“We wish he could get well again but when you marry with someone you stick with them. My husband and I have been married for 36 years. He has 3 grandchildren – that is his family, we don’t have any children together – and they live close by. We are not rich. We worked all our lives. We raised the kids, we lived life. Now that we all have to stay inside our homes, we are no different from rich people. Now, rich or poor, we all have to stay inside. We have a comfortable life, we were never hungry, we are happy. We are lucky to have the grandkids. They live nearby and they come right away when we need them, just ten minutes away. They help lift him and clean him. I cannot do that – he is getting heavy!
But I tell him, he is not an old man. He can get better. We hope he will get well again. I was so glad to have him at Barlow. He was taken care of. The nurses were all so nice. He had very good care, they were excellent. We loved the nurses there…Leni and Sue…all of them. Everybody was good. They were always very nice and I felt better with him inside at Barlow. I didn’t need to worry. Everything was taken care of. Let them know I appreciate how they worry so much for the patients and take such good care of them.
When this is over and we can go out again, we will all go to eat at a restaurant. For now, even though it is scary, we are very happy he is home. We can see how he looks, we can help him try to walk and we all wish he will get better. Thank you!”